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Peace for Ukraine

Shanna Turpin

On the evening of March 2, 2022, a group of people from all walks of life gathered at the Peace Pole located at Pike Place in Crawfordsville around 5pm. This gathering was organized by the local group Voices for Peace along with local resident, Josh Brewer.

The gathering started off with Ukrainian music, followed by a moment of silence for those in the Ukraine as well as Russia. Following the moment of silence, many members of the group spoke on the current war and devastation happening. We were reminded that our thoughts should be with the Ukrainian people and their fighting spirit, but also with the Russian people who also oppose this invasion. Several members of the group had strong ties to Ukraine and voiced how the people there are appreciative of the support from ordinary people and also encouraged those that can, to take action. Ways that were brought up to take action were to donate if able and to call your representatives and government officials.

War is never something that people encourage. War is devastation and carnage. It is children hiding in bunkers and carrying weapons when they should be laughing and playing. It is babies being born underground, families ripped apart, not knowing if or when they will see each other again. It is beauty queens taking up arms Former Miss Grand Ukraine joins fight against Russian invasion (, elderly women passing out sunflower seeds Brave Ukrainian woman tells Russian soldier: ‘Put sunflower seeds in your pocket so they grow when you die’ | The Independent, elderly men trying to enlist for their grandchildren's future 80-year-old Ukrainian man tries to enlist in army 'for his grandkids' (, and the list goes on. War is decided by politicians who care not of the innocent lives lost yet war is fought by the ordinary, everyday people who wake up to air raid sirens, bombs, bodies in the street of loved ones, and buildings destroyed. We hope for peace for these people caught in the middle. We hope for a future where peace is more important than political gain and valuables. We hope. This group that gathered today still has hope. It is so easy to lose such a feeling when you look at the world today, yet this is what brings us together. People come from all walks of life, different faiths and backgrounds, but differences are what makes us stronger as people. Hope is what keeps people fighting for a better tomorrow.

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